Birds of Panorama Retreat & Resort

Two things become apparent when you wander in our extensive Panorama Retreat & Resort gardens and the nearby forest. Tranquility. And the birds.

These beautiful birds have been photographed on the property or nearby. Local birds feeding from and enjoying the carefully chosen flowering species added to the gardens over the last 20 years.

There are many gorgeous species to be found, each with their own distinctive call. The early morning carolling of the resident magpies. The dee-dee-dee-ah-WHIT of the colourful Golden Whistler. The pleasant and softly rasping of the rainbow lorikeets. And, of course, the ever-present chock, kok, kak-kak-KAK-KAK-kook-kook, kok of the friendly laughing kookaburra.

It’s all there for you. Enjoy.